Welcome to the Moosic Raiders Junior Football website!

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

2014 Registration

2013 Moosic Raiders A-team

2013 ACCJFL Cheerleading Competition

An amazing display of dedication, hard work and talent by all the Raiders cheer squads. Congratulations to the Moosic Raiders A-team and B-team cheer squads on placing 3rd and a solid performance by the C-team on their 4th place accomplishment in the 2013 ACCJFL Cheer Competition! Let's not forget about our terrific coaching staff and the sacrifices put forth by the parents and family members.

Moosic Raiders Junior Football
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4301, Scranton, PA 18505
Football Field: 228 R. Spring St, Moosic, PA 18507

Updated by Site Administrator, Tue May 13, 2014 @ 7:32 AM
Moosic Raiders Registrations for 2014
Moosic Raiders Football / Cheer Registrations
Every Saturday in May from noon to 2 pm
@ The Moosic Borough Building

Come out and join a fun-filled, family-oriented youth sports organization! Experience the difference, join our team and be part of the commitment to excellence on and off the field!

Boys and girls ages 5 to 14 are welcomed. A wallet size photo of each child is required. Your child's original birth certificate AND a photocopy are required if this is the first year playing with Moosic.

2014 Registration fees for May:
$50 for one child
$65 for two
$75 for three or more

2014 Registration fees for June, July and August:
$65 for one child
$75 for two children
$90 for three or more children

Posted by Frank Reid, Fri Apr 25, 2014 @ 2:07 PM 0 Comments